Wednesday, October 24, 2007

End as we began.

"In the blood of Eden
We've done everything we can
In the blood of Eden
Saw the end as we began...

I don't know if my letter was red.
With the stains of bitterness smearing love.
Leaves a strange watermark of emotion...
drying weak after week...
until it doesn't matter anymore.

Maybe if you hold it up to The Light
it will be evidence of how I feel...
Truth is.
It doesn't change, but 
relevance is relative.

I don't need you anymore [whisper tree].

ALL is Forgiven.
statement and fact /  action and adverb (not taken LightLy).

The forgiveness from you I sought, I never got and the forgiveness I found... I always had.

The forgiveness I fought, I thought I'd never let go.... It's yours.

Your Family?
The forgiveness they need... is not mine to hold.

I won't bore and dig into this tree or me anymore.
I am closing this chasm.
and walking away from the sappy fester....
The healing began before it started.

I love you God.
Thank you for the friends 
and the family I have... 
who care that I am happy and healthy...
who let me question 
and struggle 
with a greater faith than my own.
Thank you for putting me on a path 
seeking a life more meaningful 
than the one I have pursued for many years... 
and thank you for starting me on that path 
earlier than I ever knew.
Thank you for what I will be.
Thank you for what I was.
Thank you for what I can be.
Thank you for the past 6 months of growth.
Thank you for the last 4 of joy and proof of love from another.
Thank you for the last month of awakening a desire for more.
Thank you for the last week of struggle 
only to allow me to...
Thank you for the next day and the promise it brings.


This whisper tree is closed.
I think the end of the legend goes:
"when the tree was chopped down, the wood was made into a drum that, when struck, told the secret for the entire world to hear." eventually...
 this spot will hold that mixtape I promised.

I am still whispering and listening for smiles

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